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Sailing under the bridge and other stops

The last three days have seen a great sail from Leland to Harbor Springs, time out in Harbor Springs to spend time with friends and a tough sail from Harbor Springs to Greys Reef and then motoring under the Mackinac Bridge and on to St. Ignace where we are at the public marina.

Answer to the emails – Linda writes “Hey Jeff how come you seem to no everything about the local bakeries and not much about other attractions?” Well Linda we have been on the move almost every day working to get to Canada before July 1 which is Canada Day. We have been getting into our destinations late and leaving early and besides I love baked goods!!!!!!

If you own an old boat and don’t have a friend who is a machinist – then you need to get one. Sent pictures of a couple of things I needed made to my friend Dave Ives in Harbor Springs to make things better as we travel and when we arrived he had the parts made and ready to install.

Great sail this morning from Harbor Springs to Greys Reef but the 20+ Kn winds and 3-5-foot waves on the nose meant we motored the rest of the way to St. Ignace.

Sailing under the Mackinac Bridge never gets old. The 61-year-old bridge is still a site to behold.

We try to eat at hole-in-the-wall places when we can and tonight was no different. Bentley’s Dinner in St. Igance has terrific pasties and hand-dipped shakes. The diner has been there since the 1940s. Conversation with the owners turned to how hard it is to get summer help in tourist communities like St. Ignace. Many businesses used to use more foreign help put those employees have gotten harder to bring into the country and there aren’t any locals to do the work.

On to Drummond Island tomorrow where we expect to be weathered in for a couple of days.


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