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If there is heaven on Earth, this is it

July 9 – 11

When traveling with a dog on your sailboat, being able to get him ashore is always a concern when anchoring. Most often here in the North Channel, that means anchoring close enough to shore that we can load Duncan into the dingy and motor him to shore for a short romp.

Usually there is no where for him to go other than on the shore as most of the islands are densely forested. Ans yes we always pick up after him.

Anchoring in Covered Portage, just west of Killarney, we anchored in the inner pond and near the trail that leads to the top of the 150-foot high cliffs that surround the entire area. Duncan quickly learned to run the trail and work his way quickly to the top of the cliff so he could look over the side down at the boats anchored below.

We made the climb one time on July 9, three times on July 10 and once again on July 11. It's only a half-mile trail but the grade is steep.

By the time Duncan and I ran the trail the third time on July 10, he was bushed and once back on board Respite asked to be put in his bed in the v-berth.

Tuckered was the only way to describe him. He also got to play for an Australian Shepard late in the afternoon. Allowing him to run off leash is a pleasure he rarely has when we are cruising.


Left Snug Harbor on July 9 and headed to Killarney to get groceries and pump out the boat. Was surprised at how high the water in the Killarney Channel was. It appeared to be 2 feet above the level of just two years ago. Part of the shopper’s dock at the LBCO was under water.

After spending an hour in Killarney, we took off for Covered Portage – one the gems of the North Channel. Covered Portage is an inner and outer pond surrounded by rock cliffs at places 200 feet high. The water is a beautiful green and warm. The hike to the top of the north face is only about a half-a-mile long but feels like straight up.

We took a day to simply rest, swim and do a little hiking but nothing else as we all needed the downtime.

The inner pool was crowded - at least 15 boats anchored there the three days we were there - it is still one of the most beautiful places in the North Channel and a "must visit" for all.

July 11

We reluctantly pulled anchored and headed to Killarney to pick up some groceries and catch lunch at the fish shop in town. "Herbert Fisheries" has arguably the best deep fried white fish in the North Channel. The fish is caught daily, lightly breaded and served with coleslaw and fries. A perfect meal.

After lunch and picking up groceries, we headed to an anchorage on Frazer Bay.

Unfortunately the shackle holding the anchor to the rode had gotten bent slightly and the anchor could not be used so we headed back to Little Current, a distance of 10 miles to get parts.

Altogether less than $20 Canadian for the two things I needed.

We got a slip at the Little Current Town Dock and had a wonderful evening visiting with friends we had met a few weeks ago up here. Jim and Anne are musicians who travel with their guitar and cello and make beautiful music together.

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